Collectibles consignment Federal RICO Charges for Fraud and Theft of Property Lang vs. Tharpe Federal RICO theft of over $ 4 million from the Lang Family by Donald R. Tharpe Middleburg/Sona and Fauquier Bank Frauds committed by Donald R. Tharpe Tharpes Borrowing Money Schemes

Donald R. Tharpe – Federal RICO Charges

Donald R. Tharpe- Federal RICO charges for Fraud, with a recent $4 million Dollar Judgment against him in Federal Court. The charges against Tharpe mirror my own charges that he did not have clear title in the items he was selling, that the bank owned and had Liens on everything Tharpe was selling and inturn keeping the money for himself and not paying Middleburg Bank or Sona Bank or Faquier bank. These Virginia banks lost over 5 million dollars of their depositors money because of Donald Tharpes fraudulant schemes. See entire Federal lawsuit pacer case # Read